👋 Hi there,

I help interesting companies grow faster with creative full-stack solutions. Additionally, I love contributing massive value to everyone involved on the project.

If I had my own Pokémon card, here's just some of what would be on the back of it:

☎️ Sold over $10 million of products and services in less than 7 months during the pandemic (working remotely)

🌴 Created and developed a fitness product company while living in the jungles of Costa Rica

⚙️ Served as integrated product team lead for development and repair of gas turbine hardware from initial concept to production

👨🏻‍💻 Over 6+ years of product design and project engineering experience

🔩 Developed over 50+ engineering products and processes

Tech Stack

If you think we'd be a good fit(like your favorite pair of jeans👖), let's chat.

Connect with me here:

Copyright © 2022 Simon Cheam.

Email me at simon@simoncheam.dev